Living with a Cat on the Road
Hello my friends!
Obviously a lot has changed for us since going on the road this time around. New rig and a new team member named Luna who I briefly introduced you all to in our March Recap post.
Luna in the superbloom
Luna is our 10 year old cat that we’ve had as a member of our little family since college! Owen and I adopted her from Craigslist and she has been our main squeeze ever since. When we made the decision to travel full time we decided to send Luna down to Owen’s parents in south Florida instead of bringing her on the road. We felt our van was too small for her, and in all honesty, she is a bit of a diva we assumed that she would not like our new lifestyle. Besides, there was an endless supply of lizards to chase down in Florida!
Luna Looking out over her kingdom
Luna waiting for her morning expedition
Now, three years and four vehicles later, we decided to give Luna a try on the road. We missed her company and felt that our new and improved space would be purrrrrfect (sorry I had to ) for accommodating her on the road. We were so nervous to being an older cat on the road with us but it’s been so amazing watching her learn and grow to love her life out here. To share our experiences thus far we put together a video about living on the road with a cat!
We hope you enjoy the video and our experiences thus far. We will be sure to bring you all an update further down the line of her continued progress!