Our Films.
Press On.
Our biggest film to date! An unforgettable journey, of traversing the High Sierra Trail! During this epic trek, we face intense obstacles, including a menacing forest fire and a treacherous storm. Filmed in partnership with friends at Jetboil, this short film showcases not only the stunning wilderness but also the spirit of adventure that keeps us coming back to the outdoors!
Todo Bien
Todo Bien is an 8 part series that documents three months of traveling through Baja, Mexico as MAK and Owen test the waters of full time international travel. They explore the wide open spaces of Baja via its long dirt roads in search of beautiful beaches, surf, and incredible food.
A Long Time Coming
A 6 part episodic series that follows MAK & Owen’s travels through the Northern Midwest as they set out to explore the often overlooked National and State parks of the area. Starting in Eastern Montana they traverse all the way into the Upper Peninsula of Michigan ending on Isle Royale National Park and leave with a lesson in mindfulness.
Lost & Found
This 15 episode series documents MAK & Owen’s travels and the emotional journey through Alaska. Starting with the incredible ferry up to Alaska from Washington on the Inside Passage to the bears fishing Brooks Falls in Katmai National Park. Alaska helped them learn a lot about the environment, history and themselves.
Wish You Were Here
A short three part series that follows MAK & Owen’s travels as they test out two new rigs for a few weeks. They venture into the epic terrain of Death Valley and the Eastern Sierras in California with dear friends Tight Loops Fly.
Summer Adrift ~
Summer Adrift ~
A 16 part episodic series documenting life and travels during the summer of 2020, while COVID and lockdown was fresh in everyone’s minds. Throughout the summer MAK & Owen bonded with a tight knit group of friends as they experienced the ups and downs of a difficult year while trying to stay happy and healthy.