Summer Adrift Episode 5: Surprise Snow Storm
Welcome to week 5, episode 5 of A Summer Adrift!
This episode was really fun to edit and relive because during this time it felt like so much happened SO fast and we hardly have any photos of a good bit of it!
Shruthi, Peter, Owen & MAK at camp during a brief moment where we were not being pelted with wind and rain at The Flaming Gorge
After leaving Dinosaur National Monument in Colorado we headed up north into Wyoming for the first of many times this summer. When we first got there we had no idea how much we’d end up doing in the state, but more on that later.
Beach hangs at camp with the crew
After crossing into the state we went straight for the Flaming Gorge Recreation Area. If you’re not familiar, the Flaming Gorge is a reservoir that is created by the Green River and is a beautiful place with an abundance of recreational opportunities. We however made a bee-line for the beach. When we arrived the weather was a balmy 90 degrees and sunny. But shortly after arriving things took a turn for the worse.
Beach side camp spot, 35mm
Luna at camp, 35mm
Less than an hour after popping our tops at camp, a nasty storm cell moved in on us and brought 50+ mph winds that didn’t let up for over 24 hours. We hunkered down to play games, make food, and drink wine to pass the time as the wind violently rocked us like we were on a boat out on the lake.
A lively game of Codenames in Peter and Shruthi’s van
Eventually, the weather cleared long enough for us to move camp spots for the night down to a beachfront spot. The clearing in the weather didn’t last long because before we knew it, it was snowing…
We woke up early in the morning fearing that the roads had deteriorated that we needed to drive on to get us back to the highway. Turns out they were a mess and it took a good bit of work to get us back to pavement. The full story is told in the episode and I think you will get a chuckle out of it.
Owen prepping for silver turtles
The full silver turtle spread
When we left Flaming Gorge we went in search of warmer, milder weather. Thankfully we found it around Pinedale, WY where we settled in for a weekend of relaxing outside the confines of our rigs. When we arrived we made silver turtles, which is a dinner made of chopped veggies, sausage, spices, and oil all rolled into a tin foil pouch that is cooked in the coals of the fire. It’s delicious and one of our favorite meals to make with a group because everyone can contribute different fillings and spices!
Our view from our camper outside of Pinedale
While we were at this spot we enjoyed our very own lake by floating around in our inner-tubes while drinking some local Wyoming brews. This place was a sigh of relief after spending a few days cooped up in our truck and Peter and Shruthi’s van.
MAK working with a view
Owen hiking
Our cozy little camp spot
We also went for some short hikes of which was the only place that I could get enough service to shoot out some emails for work. We often have to work in some pretty strange places but with a view like that how could I complain?!
Grilled shallots
Waggu beef steak cooked by Peter
Our last night with our friends Manny and Britney who joined us for the weekend we had our very first Asado. An Asado is an Argentine grilling technique that is characterized by spending the majority of the day tending to a fire and rotating different courses over the coals and eating things as they are ready. Manny really treated us by bringing out all the fixings for the meal. It was one of the best meals we had the entire year. Sometimes I wonder if the food is actually amazing or is it just that eating good food with good people makes it stand out in our memories. But in this case, I will go ahead and assume it was a bit of both!

Thank you so much for reading and watching. I’m sorry that this took so long to get out to you but Luna hasn’t been well lately. We’ve spent the last week being in and out of the vet trying to to figure out what the issue is. We will update you later when we have the full picture and know what we can do (if anything, sadly) to keep you all in the loop about our sweet girl.
Our work life is powered by Battle Born! They make the best lithium batteries on the market and are a crucial part of our power and solar system that makes working from the road possible! It took an incredible amount of power to create Summer Adrift, and we have Battle Born to thank for making it possible.
We’ve now been living our of our flat-bed Four Wheel Camper for 2 years now. FWC builds comfortable and durable campers that can fit on any truck. We can confidently say that a FWC is the most comfortable and livable rig we’ve had in all of our years on the road!
Maps are your best friend when you’re on the road. On X makes it easy to find open routes and trails near you no matter where we are or the time of year. On X allows us to access saved maps to locate ourselves in the wild. The GPS works perfectly offline, even when service is nonexistent.
MAK’s favorite underwear (or shall I say innerwear) company anywhere! After a long search to find, comfortable, technical and sustainable underwear the search is finally over! Made of ethically sourced Marino Wool, Branwyn underwear are ready for anything you could through at them. Use code BFN15 for 15% off your next order!
Main Line Overland is the shop that built our incredible rig, Roxanne. They are incredibly knowledgable of everything overlanding. We chose to work with them because they build thoughtful, reliable and durable vehicles that can get you to anywhere you ant to be!
Tires can be some of the best insurance when you are out in remote places. We love and trust our Toyo ATIII’s to get us in and get us out safely no matter the terrain. They’re amazing in mud, moon dust, loose rocks, slick rock, you name it!