Summer Adrift Episode 12: Yellowstone National Park
Welcome to episode 12 of A Summer Adrift!
After being in Butte we finally started to make our way towards Yellowstone National Park. We’d been looking forward to going as a group since we first got together after leaving quarantine. We were excited to finally be getting so close!
Fishing spot in West Yellowstone, 35mm
We stopped shy of the park in the town of West Yellowstone for a few days. The journey to get there was chaotic and consisted of nearly getting Chase and Aimee stuck on a dirt road in a thunderstorm and driving until nearly midnight unable to find a place to camp. Being that it was so miserable is why we don’t have any photos of it!
Chase working on one of his illustrations
Pristine Montana morning
After the hectic drive, we enjoyed a few quiet days which consisted of evenings watching Chase paint. Chase & Aimee have a multitude of talents, and you better believe that scientific renderings of native fish species is one of those talents. His attention to detail is breathtaking. Every scale is hand-drawn and brought to life with layers of watercolor and gouache. He sells prints of his work over on their website: Tight Loops Fly. One day, when we have walls we look forward to owning one for ourselves!
Detail of Chase’s VERY detailed painting
I would be lying to you if I said we didn’t come to West Yellowstone partly just to eat these pancakes. There is a small fishing camp that has a breakfast joint/fly shop right on the river. Chase and Aimee had been telling us about this place for a while so we were excited to try them for ourselves. There isn’t anything like a classic pancake and diner coffee.
Breakfast club
After breakfast we were perusing the map and found a unique looking lake and decided to check it out. That is one of the ways we like to find things to do, we just look and then go find whatever peaks our interest!
A slice of Hawai’i in Montana
If you blindfolded me and took me here I would tell you we were in Hawai’i, not Montana! The water was also a delightful temperature. Owen was in the water as soon as his suit was on.
MAK enjoying the warm day
Owen out trying to fish chest deep in the lake after seeing fish jump
After seeing fish jump in the lake Owen decided to try his hand at catching one. Sadly, he was unsuccessful but he got claps from many onlookers for trying. It was comical to watch as he was standing neck-deep in the water while trying to cast.
West Yellowstone
The following day we braved the lines at the entrance gate and went into Yellowstone National Park. Camping can be extremely hard to secure in the park on a normal year, but COVID made it nearly impossible. So we relocated outside the northeast gate and found a place to camp close to the entrance and decided to just commute in for our adventures.
MAK fishing in Yellowstone
We came back into the park that afternoon to fish for Yellowstone Cutthroat for the first time. We were only mildly successful but enjoyed the beautiful scenery and just being on the water.
Aimee fishing beneath an ominous sky
MAK loves rocks
Owen enjoying the afternoon
After we had our fill fishing, we relocated into the valley to watch the sunset. We can fully stocked with a fancy feast and some chairs ready to enjoy the view.
A bison shaking off after a dip in the river
The bison caused a traffic jam
Moments after settling in a massive herd of bison came down the valley taking over the road, the stream, and blocked us into our parking spot. Not being the type to complain we enjoyed the parade.

We’ve never seen bison this close before. They’re massive and powerful animals. It was fun to see them go about their business with this beautiful backdrop. It has also gone on to be one of the most memorable evenings of our entire year. You should have seen the look on Levi’s face when he spotted his first bison. (Levi being Chase and Aimee’s cat) It’s in the video and it still makes me laugh just as hard today as it did back then!
The bison herd
Thank you all so much, as always, for watching and reading! Next week, more Yellowstone!
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