Summer Adrift Episode 7: Grand Teton

Welcome to episode 7 of A Summer Adrift!

This is an episode that we’ve looked forward to for a long time now. This is our last episode that takes place in Jackson, WY. Episode 6 & 7 covers three weeks of being in this area but this last episode covers a lot of our favorite days from exploring the Teton’s and the surrounding area.

The whole gang watching the sunset from camp

The whole gang watching the sunset from camp

Three weeks of staying in Jackson meant that we had three weeks of watching the sunrise and sunset over the Tetons. Just about every night we all made our way out to a clearing to watch the sun dip behind the mountains and light up the sky. We came to realize that no two sunsets in Jackson are alike. We were treated to so many unique views that we’re more captivating than the last!

Sunset over the Tetons

Sunset over the Tetons

Another sunset over the Tetons

Another sunset over the Tetons

Storms rolling in over the Tetons

Storms rolling in over the Tetons

Part of our evening ritual was to take beers and snacks out to our spot. Even though we live a life that rarely has routine, it was nice to have a few weeks of an evening ritual. I’d argue that there are few better places for it too.

A moody sunset over the Tetons

A moody sunset over the Tetons

Heading out to our sunset spot with snacks and beer from Jackson Whole Grocer

Heading out to our sunset spot with snacks and beer from Jackson Whole Grocer

These quiet moments are the ones that we don’t often share but are what we treasure most about life on the road. Especially now that Luna is gone, these memories are the ones that Luna was apart of most. In the past I’ve tried to put my finger on what made our truck feel so homey, but now it’s clear that Luna is what has made our truck feel like a home.

Goofing off while we wait for sunset

Goofing off while we wait for sunset


As our time in Jackson drew to a close we celebrated Owen’s birthday with a fancy dinner at Glorietta. We don’t often go out to a nice restaurant which is what made this evening such a treat. We all got dressed up (to the best of our abilities with out limited wardrobes) and ordered some fancy cocktails.

Owen’s birthday dinner at Glorietta

Owen’s birthday dinner at Glorietta

Owen’s birthday dinner at Glorietta

Owen’s birthday dinner at Glorietta

In 2020, there were few moments of normality, but this evening, out on the town was one of them. It felt so good to go out and celebrate the life of my favorite human being in such a classic way. The food is also incredible at Glorietta, we all left feeling pretty spoiled as we drove up to our camp and view of the Tetons.

In this episode we also did our last two hikes in the area. One was steep, snow covered and challenging. The other hike was easy and super relaxed to Phelps Lake where we spent the day lounging on the rocks and swimming in the lake. We had never been to Phelps Lake before this trip and were instantly in love. The view of the mountains from the water was a great way to have a chill day. Chase even had some success fishing and caught a massive trout!

MAK emerging from her dip in Phelps Lake

MAK emerging from her dip in Phelps Lake

Though the water was cold it was refreshing to hop in before hiking back to the trailhead. Take it from me: You will never regret hoping in a mountain lake no matter how long you debate getting in!

MAK & Shruthi loving on Chase and Aimee’s cat Levi

MAK & Shruthi loving on Chase and Aimee’s cat Levi

After Phelps Lake, we relocated to a new camp spot further out of town while we debated where our next destination should be. We were excited to find out new spot was right alongside a fast-moving creek that was made up of fringed snowmelt. We spent our first evening making a fire out of driftwood, fishing, and enjoying a beer and a view.

Chase fishing at our creek side camp spot

Chase fishing at our creek side camp spot

One of Chases’ tiny catches

One of Chases’ tiny catches

While we hung out by the creek we hatched the plan to spend the next day tubing down our camp-side creek no matter how cold the water. It’s not everyday you get a spot like this and we wanted to be sure that we enjoyed it to its full potential!

The following morning we kept our promise to ourselves and tubed for as long as the sun was in the sky. It was such a beautiful setting for such a fun way to spend the day without ever having to leave camp!

Thank you all for reading and watching! We will see you next week!


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Our work life is powered by Battle Born! They make the best lithium batteries on the market and are a crucial part of our power and solar system that makes working from the road possible! It took an incredible amount of power to create Summer Adrift, and we have Battle Born to thank for making it possible.

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We’ve now been living our of our flat-bed Four Wheel Camper for 2 years now. FWC builds comfortable and durable campers that can fit on any truck. We can confidently say that a FWC is the most comfortable and livable rig we’ve had in all of our years on the road!


Maps are your best friend when you’re on the road. On X makes it easy to find open routes and trails near you no matter where we are or the time of year. On X allows us to access saved maps to locate ourselves in the wild. The GPS works perfectly offline, even when service is nonexistent.


MAK’s favorite underwear (or shall I say innerwear) company anywhere! After a long search to find, comfortable, technical and sustainable underwear the search is finally over! Made of ethically sourced Marino Wool, Branwyn underwear are ready for anything you could through at them. Use code BFN15 for 15% off your next order!

Main Line Overland is the shop that built our incredible rig, Roxanne. They are incredibly knowledgable of everything overlanding. We chose to work with them because they build thoughtful, reliable and durable vehicles that can get you to anywhere you ant to be!

Tires can be some of the best insurance when you are out in remote places. We love and trust our Toyo ATIII’s to get us in and get us out safely no matter the terrain. They’re amazing in mud, moon dust, loose rocks, slick rock, you name it!


Summer Adrift Episode 8: Stanley Idaho


Summer Adrift Episode 6: Jackson Hole