Reef Safe Sunscreen & Surfboard Wax

A while back I was tasked to write an article for Go-Van on a subject I’m really passionate about: Reef Safe Products!


As someone who loves spending their free time in the ocean, it’s really important to me that I’m enjoying the water in a responsible way! I dove in head first and found some really startling information about about the rapid decline in the word’s reef systems due to sunscreen! Once my article (linked here) went live I was so surprised to hear from so many people who had no idea that sunscreen had an adverse affect on the ocean!


After hearing that I decided that it would be a good idea to make a video about it in hopes of getting the word out to more people about it!

Here are some links to more information about this if you care to educate yourself further on the subject:

Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology

Coral Bleaching Recovery Plan for the State of Hawai’i

Environmental Working Group

List of reef & ocean damaging chemicals courtesy of All Good

I never used to think wearing sunscreen was cool. Now look at me!

I never used to think wearing sunscreen was cool. Now look at me!

Owen in his sunscreen

Owen in his sunscreen

Sunscreen Recommendations

Thinksport - SPF 50+, Top rated by EWG skin deep database with a "1" rating since 2010, first sunscreen to pass Whole Foods Premium Care requirements, water & sweat resistant for 80 mins, and my personal favorite (MAK) for the body.

Babo Botanicals Super Shield Natural Sport Stick - SPF 50, formulated by over 70% organic ingredients, perfect for face, lips, Neck and body, 80 Minutes Water & Sweat Resistant, my personal favorite (MAK) for the face because it’s gentle on sensitive skin and rubs in clear

All Good Sport Sunscreen - SPF 30 for Body & 50 for Face, water & sweat resistant for 80 mins, vegan, and good for wind protection.

A great resource for finding Reef Safe and other environmentally safe skin care products is the Environmental Working Group (EWG). They have an amazing database of different safe sunscreens for sport, baby, beach, and every day moisturizers with SPF!

MAK pre-surf in Baja

MAK pre-surf in Baja

Owen pre-surf in Baja

Owen pre-surf in Baja

Surfboard Wax Recommendations

Maria’s Surf Wax - 100% Natural, non-toxic, biodegradable, eco-friendly vegan surf wax, made using local organic ingredients in California straight from the farm, the packaging is printed on 100% recycled paper using all natural dyes for ink. Currently, we’re using this one and enjoying it!

Matunas' Organic Wax - 100% Natural Biodegradable-Nontoxic. Made with Organic ingredients. Matunas organic surf wax is the only non-toxic, biodegradable, petroleum-free, no synthetic chemicals, and packaging made of recycled paper with soy ink.

Organic Rob Machado Surf Wax - Eco-friendly high-performance wax, the label is recycled paper, printed with soy based on presses powered by clean wind-generated energy, a percentage of sales is donated to the Rob Machado Foundation which supports several educational and environmental organizations.

Owen being stoked in Hawai’i

Owen being stoked in Hawai’i

Thank you as always for reading and watching!




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