Finding the Perfect Rain Jacket and How To Care for It
Today we will be talking about hardshell/rain jackets! I want to go into detail of what jacket I had, why it failed, how to pick the right jacket for you, how to care for your new jacket to be sure it stays waterproof AND some crowd suggestions from all of you!
Renewable Gear - HOKA X Cotopaxi at REI
We love a good collaboration. When great minds come together with one goal it's a golden opportunity for something new and innovative to be born. Our friends over at Hoka One One, Cotopaxi and REI have done just that.
REI Anniversary Sale
We wanted to write a little blog post detailing some of long time and new favorites that will be on sale May 15th - May 25th. If you’re anything like us we’re using this downtime to plan out our adventures as things start to open back up! Now is the perfect time to round out your gear collection for everything you need to go further and stay longer this summer!
Sustainability in Outdoor Clothing & Gear
It feels only fitting that we should be environmentally minded when we’re shopping for gear needed for going out into nature for recreation! That way we’re ensuring that we’re taking care of our beautiful resources for generations to come while still getting to enjoy them today! In my own personal quest for a more sustainable lifestyle, I’ve found that our clothing and gear choices are a huge area of opportunity to improve on that frequently overlook, so I wanted to take some time to dive into the details and learn how we can make more informed decisions when it comes to buying clothes and gear for the outdoors!
Gift Guide for the Eco-Friendly & Outdoor Enthusiast
I’ve found gift guides to be really helpful in discovering new things that I otherwise might not know about, so I figured… Being one that loves gear, does research on these things for fun, and loves sharing the things that genuinely make a difference in our lives… I should make a holiday gift guide! So here goes nothing!
Reef Safe Sunscreen & Surfboard Wax
A while back I was tasked to write an article for Go-Van on a subject I’m really passionate about: Reef Safe Products!
Homemade Deodorant Recipe
Over the past few years I’ve started to clean house in an attempt to make our lives have less of an impact on the earth and be healthier for us. I’ve systematically started taking on different products and processes and finding ways to do them cleaner!