2023 Tundra + Four Wheel Camper: Full Build Parts List & Tour
Believe it or not, we built our fifth rig for full time life on the road this past year! Outwardly this new build may look very similar to our last truck Roxanne, but it’s wildly different and a massive upgrade for us. Our last Tundra + Four Wheel Camper was in no way at the end of it’s life span, we just found ourselves in the unique position of needing to prepare for traveling full time outside of the US.
SOLD: Tundra + Flatbed Four Wheel Camper
With a new build on the horizon the time has come for us to put our dear truck, Roxanne, up for sale. The truck will be available for pickup around the beginning of July.
Overland Journal Podcast
We had the exciting opportunity to sit down with our friends over at Overland Journal to record an episode of the Overland Journal podcast with senior editor and dear friend Ashley Giordano!
How to Pick the Perfect Vehicle for Travel
Finding the right vehicle for Overlanding, Vanlife, Touring or Road Trips of any kind can be a really daunting task. There’s so much out there making it hard to know where to start! Over time we’ve developed a technique to help bring focus to our search.
Tundra + Four Wheel Camper Edits
This is a blog post/video that we’ve been looking forward to sharing for some time now! Today we’re going to be covering all of the edits that we’ve done to our home on wheels over the last year of living to it.
Sunrader Build in 8 Minutes
It’s hard to believe that it’s been nearly two years since we completed our Sunrader build, but here we are. A lot has changed since then and although the Sunrader didn’t pan out for us, we’re still immensely proud of what we learned and accomplished through the build process.
Overlanding Dash Upgrade
Today we’re going to be talking through the installation of a new dash mount for our 2019 Toyota Tundra! For a long time, we’ve been looking for a way to get our truck’s dash organized because we carry a few different electronic devices while we’re driving in the cab.
Our Ultimate Overlanding Rig: Full Build Parts List & Tour
We get a lot of questions about our rig, Roxanne. So we thought it was high time that we put together a comprehensive list covering the details of the truck, camper, and all of the upgrades to get to where we are now.
Four Wheel Camper Six Month Review
We’ve now been living in Roxy for 9 months now! Crazy! Which, I know, makes this 6-month review video a little tardy. However, a lot of people have been curious about what we think about our build after living in it for a while.
Overland Expo - Rig Tours
As some of you may know Owen and I attended Overland Expo West in Flagstaff, Az this year! Though we’ve attended Expo East, nothing can hold a candle to the size of Expo West. We were invited to attend with Main Line Overland to show off our rig in their booth.
Operation New Rig
How did we get here? This brand spankin’ new Tundra with a brand spankin’ new Four Wheel Camper is a far cry from our vanlife roots. There’s no short answer to this question so we’ll do our best to explain in this little essay (MLA format and all).
The Last of the Amelia Build Series
Hello everyone! As you all know we sold Amelia shortly after we completed her eight month long build. We wanted to pass along the final videos in the build series as well as her final tour, and a full explanation for why we sold her.
Toyota Tacoma 4x4 (Lando) for Sale (SOLD)
The time has come to say goodbye to our 2008 Toyota Tacoma 4x4 in preparation for picking up our new home on wheels!
Sunrader Build Part 8: Starting The Interior
After a long hiatus from making build videos we’re back! Work has prevented me from getting around to editing all the videos of Amelia’s build but the holiday break is giving me an opportunity to jump back in.
How to Build a Truck Bed Camper for UNDER $400
A lot has changed for us recently, as I'm sure you have gathered. After 3 weeks on the road in Amelia we quickly realized that she was not going to be a long term fit for us.
Sunrader 4x4 For Sale (SOLD)
Another sad day is upon us. We're putting our dear Amelia up for sale. She's a 1985 Toyota Sunrader 4x4.
Builds to Follow
For the past six months our lives have been completely consumed by building out Amelia. We're so thankful to have had you guys with us every step of the way with suggestions and words of encouragement! We've received a ton of really great feedback from you all about how much you enjoy watching the build process so I thought that as our build is drawing to a close we could point you in the
It's Electric!
Who's ready to dive into the nitty gritty of our electrical set up? If you're not, Pikachu will show you the door.
Build Out: Week 21
See the look on Owen's face? Figuring out our water system has left us stumped and wearing this exact face, time and time again.
Build Out: Week 20
Even though most of our work is being done on the inside of Amelia, we never get bored of this view. To say that we're excited to be done with this build is a huge understatement.