Isle Royale National Park | Series Finale | BTS
In our finale installment of A Long Time Coming, we fly over to the fabled Isle Royale National Park to hike across the island, of which we've been wanting to see for as long as we can remember.
Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore | EP.05 | BTS
We move yet further east and into the Upper Peninsula of Michigan to explore Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore! We hike a 42 miles through Pictured Rocks National Lake Shore. However, we add a little twist by packrafting a few sections of the trail to take full advantage of the beautiful and calm waters of Lake Superior!
Voyageurs National Park | EP.04 | BTS
We transition from the hot plains of South Dakota up to the US and Canadian Border to explore the extensive waterway of Voyageurs National Park by canoe for a few days of camping on a remote island. As well as a stop in Apostle Islands National Lake Shore to check out the otherworldly rock formations that make the area famous!
Badlands National Park | EP.03 | BTS
In our second installment of A Long Time Coming, we venture in Badlands National Park and cross paths with our first road trip that lead to our current life on the road. Badlands National Park has always had a special place in our hearts, and we are curious if it was everything we remembered it being.
Theodore Roosevelt National Park | EP.01 | BTS
This is the start of our grand adventure into the Northern Midwest. We make an unexpected stop in Makoshika State Park before making our way into Theodore Roosevelt National Park.
How to Pack for Packrafting
In this video/post I take you through the basic gear and how to pack for packrafting. Though this will focus on packing for a packrafting trip that requires you to backpack in, it’ll be helpful for anyone wanting to learn gear basics.
Packrafting the Green River
After a successful inaugural packrafing in Escalante, we were fired up to get back on the water. We quickly got to work planning our second packrafting trip, this time, we were ready for more technical water and add to our growing skills on the water. For this we returned to our beloved Wind River mountain range.
Packrafting in Escalante, Utah
I have been so excited about this blog post because it’s a trip recap from our FIRST EVER packrafting trip. Not only is it exciting because it was the first time we got to try our hand at packrafting in the backcountry but it also was a trip into one of our favorite places in North America, Escalante National Monument!
The End | Lost & Found EP.15
After leaving Canwell Glacier is was time to start making our way out of Alaska and towards the lower 48. Sadly, we had a few pressing “hard dates” on our calendar that forced us to compress our timeline to get back to the US. However we made stop in Fairbanks to have some much needed time with our family!
Exploring the Kenai | Lost & Found EP.09
We return from Katmai National Park and head onto the Kenia Peninsula for the first time. Our first stops are Girdwood, Whittier and then onto Homer where we venture out on the water with new friends.