Isle Royale National Park | Series Finale | BTS
In our finale installment of A Long Time Coming, we fly over to the fabled Isle Royale National Park to hike across the island, of which we've been wanting to see for as long as we can remember.
Badlands National Park | EP.03 | BTS
In our second installment of A Long Time Coming, we venture in Badlands National Park and cross paths with our first road trip that lead to our current life on the road. Badlands National Park has always had a special place in our hearts, and we are curious if it was everything we remembered it being.
The End | Lost & Found EP.15
After leaving Canwell Glacier is was time to start making our way out of Alaska and towards the lower 48. Sadly, we had a few pressing “hard dates” on our calendar that forced us to compress our timeline to get back to the US. However we made stop in Fairbanks to have some much needed time with our family!
Haines to Fairbanks | Lost & Found EP.04
We start our journey off as we arrive in Haines, Alaska after spending a week in Juneau. Our goal was to take the ferry all the way to the northern part of Alaska, but due to COVID and Canadian Border closures there was an influx of people relying on the ferry to get north. By the time we booked our trip they were booked and as far north we could make it to Haines.