2023 Tundra + Four Wheel Camper: Full Build Parts List & Tour
Believe it or not, we built our fifth rig for full time life on the road this past year! Outwardly this new build may look very similar to our last truck Roxanne, but it’s wildly different and a massive upgrade for us. Our last Tundra + Four Wheel Camper was in no way at the end of it’s life span, we just found ourselves in the unique position of needing to prepare for traveling full time outside of the US.
Overlanding the Alvord Desert
We rarely drive from point A to point B. Instead, we like to take the scenic route when we are “commuting”. This spring as we started to make our way, slowly, towards the US and Canadian border we wanted to find a creative route to get us off the beaten path so that we can see something new, have some fun and still get to where we need to go.
How to Pick the Perfect Vehicle for Travel
Finding the right vehicle for Overlanding, Vanlife, Touring or Road Trips of any kind can be a really daunting task. There’s so much out there making it hard to know where to start! Over time we’ve developed a technique to help bring focus to our search.
Tundra + Four Wheel Camper Edits
This is a blog post/video that we’ve been looking forward to sharing for some time now! Today we’re going to be covering all of the edits that we’ve done to our home on wheels over the last year of living to it.
Our Ultimate Overlanding Rig: Full Build Parts List & Tour
We get a lot of questions about our rig, Roxanne. So we thought it was high time that we put together a comprehensive list covering the details of the truck, camper, and all of the upgrades to get to where we are now.
Four Wheel Camper Six Month Review
We’ve now been living in Roxy for 9 months now! Crazy! Which, I know, makes this 6-month review video a little tardy. However, a lot of people have been curious about what we think about our build after living in it for a while.
Overland Expo - Rig Tours
As some of you may know Owen and I attended Overland Expo West in Flagstaff, Az this year! Though we’ve attended Expo East, nothing can hold a candle to the size of Expo West. We were invited to attend with Main Line Overland to show off our rig in their booth.